
A former heartthrob fighter in the Arcadion turned high-speed thrill-seeker and adrenaline junkie which may or may not be a cover for more covert goals.


A visionary who dreams of a world restored, a lover of nature and all things green; she expresses her emotions through paint and magic, transforming canvases into sensory experiences.

ã…¤rule 001 18+ Onlyã…¤ I do all sorts of RP from A to Z with a hefty dose of E, but it's not required or even really sought out at most times. That being said my characters are strictly geared towards adults. I will not RP with any character or player under 18 except in the case of public RP events where I can't control who attends.

ã…¤rule 002ã…¤ My Characters Will Not Be Monogamous
I get it - some people want one dedicated RP partner for everything. I cannot be that person. I've had boundaries pushed on an OOC level, so this will never happen. Multishipping is something I'll always do, but if you wish, I can create an offshoot timeline just for a particular ship. Communication between writers is key here.

ã…¤rule 003 I Enjoy Dark Themes In Fictionã…¤ as long as the story is engaging. So please don't be afraid of running something in particular by me. The worst I can say is no and I expect the same respect.
OOC 30's - they/them - newfoundland time - 15+ yrs RP experience
I answer to any name.
I play two characters who are dating each other for a myriad of reasons, but mostly they're art related. I get the urge to draw nsfw/romantic art quite frequently and just using my own characters for it prevents any drama for who I do/do not choose to draw. They're both polyamorous, so it doesn't really matter in IC regards. They're both open to flings and hookups. Serenity and Phobia in particular are swingers.ã…¤disclaimerã…¤ These two characters are shards of my other characters. So while they will be similar, there will be differences. But I ran out of carrd websites on my account so they get a duo account.These characters also do not exist in the game world - because I can't afford to take new characters through the MSQ. They'll be played and represented ingame by their source shards in funny outfits. Moonlighting, if you will.

ã…¤rule 004ã…¤ Keep IC and OOC Separate Just because characters may be romantically or sexually involved doesn't mean that we, the writers, are.I'm not interested in romantic connections. If something ever happens between friends organically that's one thing, but please do not approach this as if OOC dating will ever happen.n
ã…¤rule 005ã…¤ No Grimdark Without Party Hats While dark and dramatic storytelling is great, much like watching a horror movie it can become emotionally intense for the writers. In these situations, I welcome and encourage someone bringing in something comedic or silly to break the tension.

ã…¤rule 006 Unacceptable Themesã…¤ Transphobia, homophobia, racism, death of my character or permanent injury or dismemberment (unless discussed first). Consent is required to touch on any themes that may permanently alter another person's character.

ã…¤rule 007 Lore Adherence (semi-strict)ã…¤ I generally try to adhere to the lore we're given and never actually break it. Literally everything I do with my characters ultimately has a basis in the lore and I am happy to chat about the lore and what we can do with it at any time - it's my special interest! That being said I believe in bending and extrapolating on the lore we're given (especially the parts that don't make sense or are contradictory within the game itself) to tell the stories we want to tell. Generally if you can come up with some grounded reason for whatever you're doing I'll happily go with it.
ã…¤rule 008 Canon Character Interactionsã…¤ Ultimately I have no problem doing this, especially on platforms such as tumblr or F-list, but I will likely not consider them intimately canon to my characters.Should I, for example, have some kind of ongoing narrative with someone playing as Y'shtola and I feel like it's compelling enough to carry over into the main lore for my character, I'll likely swap Y'shtola herself for "a miqo'te wizard I know" to avoid stepping on anyone's toes regarding head canons and lore.

gendercis womanorientationlesbian
weightã…¤Around 140 ponzeoriginã…¤Alexandria

ã…¤personalityã…¤ Serenity comes off as quiet and demure most of the time, preferring to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself. She does, however, have a stand-out sense of style and a tendency to change her hair every week, and her cheerful, saccharine demeanor earns her favor with others. She also has a biting wit and satirical sense of humor.Serenity's boundless empathy and optimism means that at her best she can be compassionate, gentle, and protective of others, and a great listener and advice-giver; however at her worst, she can be something of a doormat and rather gullible.

ㅤJe ne sais quoiㅤㅤ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

ã…¤biographyã…¤ Serenity is, in her opinion, painfully average. Since she was young she loved watching old recordings of nature from before the dome came down and levin destroyed most of the world.As such, she learned a method of imbuing her paintings with aether so that others could experience the natural world. This method, a sort of rudimentary pictomancy that she could potentially develop if she were to ever step outside of Heritage Found, earned her quite a bit of fame in the art world - even being complimented by Queen Sphene herself!Her artistry - combined with her quick wit and satirical sense of humor - earned her quite a following in the technologically-connected world of Solution 9, and she came to be something of an influencer - though she still doesn't quite get why anyone would care about her. In her day job, because she's not the kind of person to sit around, she does meal delivery to elderly and ill citizens (and others who can't prepare meals for themselves for whatever reason).Serenity knows nothing about the Arcadion OR Air Wheeler Racing, but she's pretty enthusiastic about Phobia's interest in both.Serenity is ambivalent to Regulators and generally doesn't like them. She only ever keeps one spare soul Just In Case.Like Phobia, she has a burning desire to see the world outside the dome and let it influence her artistry - but she also feels caught between family obligation and a fear of the unknown.

stir fry vegetables, nature documentaries, retro fashion, rabbits, the color pink, romantic dramas.
the dome (like just in general)

ã…¤biographyã…¤ Not much is known about Phobia's childhood, even to her. This is because she lost her parents at a young age, and their memories were stolen from her.With no-one to hold her back, she went on to become a promising fighter in the Arcadion, wielding a Hoarhound (Fenrir) soul. However, after a terrible scandal involving a relationship with a fellow combatant Phobia stepped away from the ring and pursued a very short career as a hunter, where she was scouted for Oblivion.She then took to the spotlight once again as an Air Wheeler Racer and sports commentary streamer; but more functionally, as Oblivion's propagandist. Although they are part of Oblivion she chooses to wear a regulator for several reasons, specifically that being in the public eye and having a job as blatantly risky as air wheeler racing means that not wearing one would be both suspicious and painting a target on her own back. Not to mention, tempting fate.Nowadays after Zoraal Ja's massacre, Phobia's taken an interest in the world outside - but there's still so much to do here that she feels caught in between duty and desire.

exercise in general, energy drinks, cigarettes, cooking, women, dogs, guitar, tinkering, air wheelers
Zoraal Ja and others like him (oh boy is she in for a time outside the dome), people who won't mind their own business, strong perfumes in public (but anything Serenity wears is ok)
gendertransfem nonbinaryorientationbisexual
weightã…¤Around 160 ponzeoriginã…¤Alexandria

ã…¤personalityã…¤ Phobia is stalwart and rambunctious; even growing up they were always a little bit of a scamp. A hedonist at heart, Phobia loves good food, good drinks, good company, and pushing their body to the limit athletically, always testing their skills in every area. Despite this, getting to know them will show a gentle heart beneath the thrill-chasing, and to those who earn their trust, an undying loyalty. At their best she can be determined, hardworking, and compassionate, with a willingness to make hard decisions that others might struggle with.But at their worst, they can be stubborn, difficult to get along with, and at risk of making dangerous mistakes with unforseen circumstances.

ㅤJe ne sais quoiㅤㅤ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
Celebrity Coupleã…¤With Phobia being a pro air wheeler racer, ex Arcadion fighter, and Serenity being a semifamous artist and influencer, these two have some reach. Maybe they're dodging the paparazzi, or maybe you just want some merch signed? They can typically be sighted around True Vue and the Nexus Arcade/Mosaic.
ã…¤Swingers/Polyamoryã…¤They're open to each having other girlfriends (or in Phobia's case, a boyfriend), or even just swinging. But there will only be ethical non-monogamy here. Let's discuss it OOC.
ã…¤Arcadion AspirantsNeed a coach? Phobia is happy to help!
ã…¤You smell...ã…¤Having fused their soul with a Hoarhound more than once, Phobia suffers some permanent effects. Fangs, claws that keep growing back no matter how much they trim them, and an extremely heightened sense of smell. They can even smell hormonal changes in people. Maybe there's something you're hiding?
ã…¤Oblivion MembersPhobia has ties to Oblivion. Serenity less so, but she supports their ideals. Connections can be made here.
Heritage Foundã…¤Both Phobia and Serenity leave Solution 9 fairly often - Serenity in search of seeds to try to cultivate in her hydroponic systems, and Phobia for a spot of hunting at times. Connections with the people of the outskirts can be made - they both have friends there.
Outside the DomeBoth of these two - but especially Serenity - are itching to see the world outside the dome. A tourist coming in could entice them.

Content on the following page may contain mature content/adult themes (although it will rarely be anything more than suggestive situations and naked boobs, the more nsfw stuff can be found on Bluesky by request). Are you over 18 and do you consent to seeing potentially NSFW content?



"Do you miss it?"

"Why are the soldiers attacking us?
